The press release on Sunday 20th August at 11:30 am has been created to launch the campaign to get the town of Bury St Edmunds supporting St Edmunds Day in November. Called “Your Town Needs You”, it is designed to raise awareness of St Edmunds Day, by encouraging businesses to raise the flag of St Edmund Of Suffolk, over the weekend of 18th, 19th and 20th of November.
“The Press Release”
It is with great excitement that we announce our plans to encourage the whole town of Bury St Edmunds to celebrate St Edmunds Day. For the first time, we are asking all businesses in town to get on board and display the Flag of St Edmund of Suffolk over 3 days in November.
“We Love Bury St Edmunds!”, supported by “Our Bury St Edmunds”, and with the backing of His Worship The Mayor, are spearheading the “Your Town Needs You!” campaign, and asking the retailers of the town to offer an incentive to shop with them for the duration of 18th 19th and 20th November.
James Sheen from “We Love Bury St Edmunds!” has said that he wants to see the whole town come out in support of this special weekend.
“We believe we are the only town in the country that is named after a patron saint. We have a day dedicated to St Edmund on 20th November, however, in previous years the celebration has not involved the whole town. Now is the time to act. We have a plan whereby all retailers can come on board and show their support and recognition of our day, and ensure that everyone in town knows that 20th November is our day”.
Alongside the flag and bunting waving, we have a series of events already lined up, which will span the 3-day celebration. Our campaign, “Your Town Needs You” is a symbol of how everyone in the town can play their part in recognising our day, St Edmunds Day.
The long term goal of this project is not only to amuse and delight, but also to highlight how important St Edmund was, what he symbolised, and also to remind people of the amazing cult which sprung up around his memory, not only here, but also into mainland Europe.
For a long time, we have suspected that what we have in Bury St Edmunds is very special, unlike any other town in the country, it is now our time to shout about it.
Issued by The Admin Team, on behalf of “We Love Bury St Edmunds!”.