Everyman Cinema – Poor Communication
Isn’t it odd how people read emails? On 17th February, I emailed Everyman Cinema who are proposing a Cinema in the former Debenhams building in the arc.
My email read as follows…
In my Community based Facebook Group, “We Love Bury St Edmunds!” se have been discussing the possible development of the iconic Debenhams building in the arc, Bury St Edmunds. It is very clear amongst the 22,600 plus members that the last thing we want is a third cinema in the town.
Please check out this article on our website. https:// exploreburystedmunds.com/2022/ 02/17/what-to-do-with-an- empty-debenhams/
I look forward, as so do my members, your views. I would like to think you would be more successful, if you listen to the residents of the town.
Naturally, there was an automated reply which is pretty standard with large companies, and then today I received a reply.
Dear James,
Thank you for getting in touch.
We love hearing from our customers and are delighted to hear you’d like an Everyman in your area. We can’t make any promises, but your note has been shared with the relevant team for their consideration when reviewing potential new sites.
Thanks again for taking the time to write, and I hope we can look forward to welcoming you into one of our cinemas soon.
Kind regards,
So of course I had to reply to that…
Dear Emily
I don’t actually think you have read my email and that you have sent out a standard response.
Nowhere in my email have I said that we want an Everyman Cinema in our area. You would do better to actually read the comments from the residents https:// exploreburystedmunds.com/2022/ 02/17/what-to-do-with-an- empty-debenhams/, and, if you wish, to join the Facebook Group https://www.facebook. com/groups/welovebse and participate in the discussion.
A 3rd cinema in town is something that Bury St Edmunds does NOT need!
Looking forward to hearing from you
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Absolute idiots. Goes to show they have done 0 market research in our area. If they do change it to be a cinema, I’m sure they will flop in the following year no doubt. Bring on the museum and art exhibition centre.