We want the entire Town to raise the flag of St Edmund over the weekend of 18th 19th and 20th of November 2017.
I believe this is not been attempted on this scale before, and I will pull out ALL the stops to get this to work.
I want all business to be proud they are based in Bury St Edmunds.
All retailers should be singing the praises of St Edmund, and we should be shouting about it.
We are the one Town on the country that has a town named after the original patron saint of England and are not going to forget it.
It is paramount that the World knows about our man because that’s what he was, just a man, with extraordinary faith.
I am enormously grateful for both Jo Churchill, Member of Parliament for Bury St Edmunds, and Terry Clements, Mayor of St Edmundsbury both came to the Photo Bomb. A crazy idea, and thing to do, but I think I must be doing the right thing to have these amazingly dedicated people, supporting me. I am also grateful to people like Andrew Speed, chairman of the Town Council, Richard Rout, Tom Murray, David Nettleton, all who came to the Photo Bomb, and of course how could we possibly forget, the most photographed man in Bury St Edmunds, our very own Patrick Chung, Mayor of St Edmundsbury from 2015-2016. Also of course to Andy Abbott, who is also so dedicated and so supportive all the time.
Thank you too, to the very talented, Sarah Probert, girl you Rock my World!
I would never forget, or be without the support for my new friends in the Facebook Group. You have supported my crazy ideas guys, and your dedication has been a true inspiration to me, and I thank my stars every day and am humbled by your dedication and friendship. I would also never forget to thank my lifelong friend, Kevan Collins, and his son Robert, without Punch Films UK, this film would never have been possible.
And last and most definitely not least, Eurovision Winner and dear friend Anne-Marie David