Select the best categories that suit your business. Be sure to include a top level category which adds Features to your lisitng.
Other directories don’t come anywhere close to explore Bury St Edmunds.
You control the content, and reap the benefits
This goes straight to the core of your workspace
Complete How To guide on all aspects of your listing, good practice and how to make the best of your page.
Why would you work with eXplore Bury St Edmunds?
A page jammed packed with reasons!
We will create a business directory listing on our website, which you can claim and change as you wish (works like a simple version of WordPress)
The most recent 3 events on the website will be shown on the front page and shared to the We Love Bury St Edmunds! Facebook Group (WLBSE FG), Twitter and the LinkedIn business profile
You can use the website to showcase your business with up to 26 images (Premium level)
You can advertise your offers and deals which will be shared to the WLBSE FG
You can reply to reviews and follow up potential leads for potential customers
Restaurants can use the Menu option to showcase their food
Plus, much more
Ability for you to post adverts directly to We Love Bury St Edmunds! Facebook Group and any other “We Love…!” groups
We will FOLLOW and LIKE your Facebook page, Instagram page, Twitter profile and Instagram business profile
A number of your Instagram posts will be REPOSTED with added hashtags, and shared to the We Love Bury St Edmunds Facebook page – events will be shared to the group and pinned to the Announcement section
We will add you to Branded Content Partner and to Instagram Shopping
Don’t forget to tag your products and sell online!
Tagged Sponsors in FBP posts
Approved Partners on Facebook Collaborations
Added to Instagram Highlights
We will FOLLOW you, adding notifications to priority and RETWEET and LIKE your posts
We will share posts from your business profile to our business profile
We can meet at your place of business to have a chat on camera about your business – these can be very impactful to get people’s attention
You want more? Compare eXplore Bury St Edmunds with other directories, they just don’t come even close!
Run a LIKE / INVITE script (All posts on your page with a LIKE, we can invite them to ALSO like your page)
Currently Looking into Facebook Shops & Job Listings
Need to talk more?
Call James on Facebook Messenger
With over 1200 businesses already on the website, there is room for plenty more
Map Display
Contact Display
Image Gallery (Up to 4 images not totally more that 10MB can be display here)
Video (you can share your URL from YouTube or Vimeo to show people what your business does)
Business Tagline (a catchy tagline always get peoples attention)
Location (seriously it helps if people know where you are)
Website (a direct link to your website)
Social Links (links to the most popular social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn)
Map Display
Contact Display
Image Gallery (Up to 15 images not totally more that 10MB can be display here)
Video (you can share your URL from YouTube or Vimeo to show people what your business does)
Business Tagline (a catchy tagline always get peoples attention)
Location (seriously it helps if people know where you are)
Website (a direct link to your website)
Social Links (links to the most popular social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn)
FAQ (always getting asked the same questions? use the FAQs to bypass that)
Price Range
Tags/Keywords (using relevant keywords that fit your business will help you get found by those looking for you)
Business Hours (always good to know when you are there)
Menu (Great for restaurants to show their great food menus.. ideal for The Foodie Town!)
Deals-Offers-Discounts (If you have a deal or offer, why not tell people about it, this is also added to our deals and discounts aggregator page and the top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)
Events (share your events and this will be replicated on our Events aggregator page and the most recent top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)
Map Display
Contact Display
Image Gallery (Up to 26 images not totally more that 10MB can be display here)
Video (you can share your URL from YouTube or Vimeo to show people what your business does)
Business Tagline (a catchy tagline always get peoples attention)
Location (seriously it helps if people know where you are)
Website (a direct link to your website)
Social Links (links to the most popular social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn)
FAQ (always getting asked the same questions? use the FAQs to bypass that)
Price Range
Tags/Keywords (using relevant keywords that fit your business will help you get found by those looking for you)
Business Hours (always good to know when you are there)
Menu (Great for restaurants to show their great food menus.. ideal for The Foodie Town!)
Deals-Offers-Discounts (If you have a deal or offer, why not tell people about it, this is also added to our deals and discounts aggregator page and the top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)
Hide competitors Ads
Events (share your events and this will be replicated on our Events aggregator page and the most recent top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)
Bookings (crazy as it sounds, you can take bookings and make appointments with this feature)
Lead Form (awesome feature which allows you to see who has looked at your listing, enabling you to follow up a potential new customer)
Bid to be one of 30 businesses to be featured in our Photo Gallery album on the Facebook Page, which is also shared into the Facebook Group reaching 21,500+ members
Free, Standard and Premium How much do you value your marketing?
eXplore Bury St Edmunds promotional resources, maybe use some on your website?