The Magnificent Tower – Jill Crouch
Like a bridge between Heaven and Earth,
You’ve grown up to show your worth.
I’ve watched as you were draped in steel,
Imagining the splendour that you’ll reveal.
- The Stump, St Edmundsbury Cathedral (Rupert Nye)
- St Edmundsbury Cathedral (Rupert Nye)
- St Edmundsbury Cathedral (Anna Frankum)
When at last unveiled in all your glory,
A fitting crown to end the story.
Of Kings and Queens, buried and crowned
In your ornate aisle, they can be found.
Monks who’ve sung there through the years,
Of tyranny, revolt and fears,
Can sing again in all our hearts
As we survey this work of arts.
And I wonder if you will spare the time,
A thousand years from now, sublime,
When all mankind will live in peace
And hostilities of the World will cease.
Let’s pray you won’t have to wait that long
And our hymns of praise will end all wrong.
Magnificent, you will last your survey
The second coming of our Lord one day.