
Category: People


Memory of the Fallen Parade

In November 2017, I was able to be upfront and close to what was happening with the "Memory of ..


I Cannot Forget A Night 2 Remember

A Night 2 Remember was our first major event which celebrated the one year anniversary of the c..


WLBSE Presents The Patrick Church Interview

The Patrick Church Interview Patrick Church is one of those people that everyone in Bury St ..


The We Love Bury St Edmunds Documentary – The How and Why

Why We Love Bury St Emunds - The Documentary It was suggested to me last year that a document..


Photo Bomb The King – The Great Churchyard

Photo Bomb The King On 14th January 2017 members of We Love Bury St Edmunds, met in the Great ..


King Edward VI School – Our History

King Edward VI School - Our History We began life a long time ago. There was almost certainly ..


The Magna Carta

The Barons met in Bury Abbey A Poem about the Magna Carta. The Barons met in Bury Abbey,the..


Connecting with Old Aquaintances

Old Acquaintances and Bury St Edmunds Reconnecting with Old Friends This website has helped m..


Yowling My Head Off at the Old Bury Hospital

Yowling My Head Off at the Old Bury Hospital I arrived in our lovely town in October 1952, pro..