Abbot Fleury – a modern interpretation of The Passion of Saint Eadmund
Here is a rewritten version of The Passion of Saint Eadmund in modern British English.  ..
Charles Dickens and his Connection to Bury St Edmunds
Charles Dickens and Bury St Edmunds The Famous Author's Connection Charles Dickens and Bury S..
Bury St Edmunds is Big in Wales!
Travel Bury St Edmunds "Wales on Sunday" journalist, Pat Wooding visited Bury St Edmunds and h..
When The Queen Visited Abbey Gardens
Abbey Gardens in 1961 when the Queen Visited I think my first happy memory of the Abbey Garden..
Working on the West Front – Les Hopton
I remember working on the West Front of the Abbey when the part next to the Cathedral was first..
Centuries-long Fight For Borough Status
Centuries-long Fight For Borough Status For over four hundred years, Bury St Edmunds has bee..
Walking The St Edmund Way
My earliest memories are not of Bury St Edmunds, but of Sudbury. I remember walking into town w..
Why Are We Celebrating St Edmunds Day?
You might be wondering why are we celebrating St Edmunds Day, a long-dead king from 1148 year..
Memory of the Fallen Parade
In November 2017, I was able to be upfront and close to what was happening with the "Memory of ..
Fond Memories – Abbey Gardens
Some of my fond recollections of the Abbey Gardens began early in life during the summer when..