
Marketing with We Love Bury St Edmunds

Social Media Marketing

Why Use Social Media Marketing with We Love Bury St Edmunds?

It makes sense to use Social Media Marketing with We Love Bury St Edmunds. Heres why…

23,000+ members interested in the unique town we live in
13,300+ members live in Bury St Edmunds (that’s about 30% of the towns population)
Location based for your target audience


63% of members are female and 37% are male
Age Range

18-24 2% women 2% men

25-34 9% women 5% men

35-44 12% women 7% men

45-54 15% women 9% men

55-64 13% women 7% men

65+ 12% women 7% men

80% engagement rate – phenomenally high for a Facebook Group

With this information you can can see how you can target your audience

Over the past 10 years, emphasis has shifted from Facebook Pages to Facebook Groups – Groups are far more engaging and create a sense of community LINK

All posts are either Approved or Declined – we focus on the positive and eliminate the negative

Dedicated Admin team who have the same focus to maintain an engaged and positive audience

We do not allow irrelevant links or postings which do not concern Bury St Edmunds

In 5 years we have received a lot of positive press coverage

How Can Your Message Reach The Audience?

As a premium business listing, a selection of your posts  will be retweeted, reposted and shared on our Facebook Page

or Facebook Group

Events will be pinned to the Announcement section of the Facebook Group.

Ideally, your post should relate to Bury St Edmunds

Make your message a positive and upbeat one

What do you have to offer that your competition does not

Offer something for free – must be unconditional
offer information that will appeal to the market

What keywords do you want to be found by?

Join Our Comprehensive Directory for All Businesses in Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk

Are you looking to increase visibility for your business in Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk? Join our comprehensive directory and get connected with over 1300 businesses already on the website.

We believe in providing maximum exposure to our members by creating an easy-to-use platform where companies of all sizes can find customers, build relationships and create connections. With a range of categories from hospitality to retail and everything in between, we’re sure to have something that fits your needs.

Our directory allows you to list contacts, post events, showcase services, offer special deals and discounts and more. Our team also offers custom website building services, search engine optimization and social media management so you can reach as many potential customers as possible!

Head over to our website today and join the directory for increased exposure for your business in Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk.


Map Display

Contact Display

Image Gallery (Up to 4 images not totally more that 10MB can be display here)

Video (you can share your URL from YouTube or Vimeo to show people what your business does)

Business Tagline (a catchy tagline always get peoples attention)

Location (seriously it helps if people know where you are)

Website (a direct link to your website)

Social Links (links to the most popular social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn)


Map Display

Contact Display

Image Gallery (Up to 14 images not totally more that 5MB can be display here)

Video (you can share your URL from YouTube or Vimeo to show people what your business does)

Business Tagline (a catchy tagline always get peoples attention)

Location (seriously it helps if people know where you are)

Website (a direct link to your website)

Social Links (links to the most popular social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn)

FAQ (always getting asked the same questions? use the FAQs to bypass that)

Price Range

Tags/Keywords (using relevant keywords that fit your business will help you get found by those looking for you)

Business Hours (always good to know when you are there)

Menu (Great for restaurants to show their great food menus.. ideal for The Foodie Town!)


Deals-Offers-Discounts (If you have a deal or offer, why not tell people about it, this is also added to our deals and discounts aggregator page and the top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)

Events (share your events and this will be replicated on our Events aggregator page and the most recent top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)


Map Display

Contact Display

Image Gallery (Up to 14 images not totally more that 10MB can be display here)

Video (you can share your URL from YouTube or Vimeo to show people what your business does)

Business Tagline (a catchy tagline always get peoples attention)

Location (seriously it helps if people know where you are)

Website (a direct link to your website)

Social Links (links to the most popular social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn)

FAQ (always getting asked the same questions? use the FAQs to bypass that)

Price Range

Tags/Keywords (using relevant keywords that fit your business will help you get found by those looking for you)

Business Hours (always good to know when you are there)



Menu (Great for restaurants to show their great food menus.. ideal for The Foodie Town!)


Deals-Offers-Discounts (If you have a deal or offer, why not tell people about it, this is also added to our deals and discounts aggregator page and the top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)

Hide competitors Ads

Events (share your events and this will be replicated on our Events aggregator page and the most recent top 3 will also appear on our frontpage)

Bookings (crazy as it sounds, you can take bookings and make appointments with this feature)

Lead Form (awesome feature which allows you to see who has looked at your listing, enabling you to follow up a potential new customer)

Bid to be one of 30 businesses to be featured in our Photo Gallery album on the Facebook Page, which is also shared into the Facebook Group reaching 21,500+ members

Check out our pricing plans here

We Love Bury St Edmunds


Business Users
