


The eXplore Website and App!

The Bury St Edmunds eXplore App Well, we have done it again. The newspapers have picked up on ..


Website Launches on BBC Radio Suffolk

Today we launched the new website LIVE on BBC Radio Suffolk on the Breakfast show with Luke Dea..


Angel Hill – Bury St Edmunds

Angel Hill. Back in the early 1990s, I'd not been living in BSE for very long when I took my ..


Do You Remember Lovejoy?

I must admit when the BBC aired the comedy-drama Lovejoy in 1986 it didn't capture my imagina..


Ringing Bells on St Edmund’s Eve

This year, the bells of the Norman Tower will ring out on the eve of St Edmund’s Day (the e..


Shops of Then and Now – Missing Shops

Shops of Then and Now - Missing Shops We all have memories of "missing shops". Over the past f..


St Edmundsbury Mayor – Terry Clements

I spoke to St Edmundsbury Mayor, Terry Clements as he came towards the end of his year as Mayor..


When The Queen Visited Abbey Gardens

Abbey Gardens in 1961 when the Queen Visited I think my first happy memory of the Abbey Garden..


Bury’s Secret Gardens – Les Hopton

Bury's Secret Gardens - Les Hopton Secret gardens in the town, lots of people walking round, ..


I Remember The Old Hospital

I remember the Old Hospital I remember the Old Hospital on Hospital Road. In the fifties, I wa..