A Trip to Bury St Edmunds
Cattle Market Memories
When I first visited Bury St Edmunds around 1960, my granddad took me to the cattle market every Wednesday. He bought chickens, rabbits, and other animals for his small farm. Later, he would sell them to restaurants in London.
Exploring the Town Centre
During our trips to the market, my granddad would eat lunch at the Market Tavern, and I would explore the town centre. That’s when I found a wonderful sewing shop near Debenhams.
The Lovely Haberdashery Shop
This special shop was filled with different fabrics, sewing patterns, and ribbons from another time. I spent hours looking at everything and thinking of creative projects. Sadly, the shop didn’t stay open for very long, and it closed down.
Remembering the Past
I often think about the beautiful items from that shop and wonder if anyone else remembers it too. It’s a sweet memory from my trips to Bury St Edmunds and the cattle market with my granddad.
Barbara Clutterham
I used to take my daughter to the cattle market, to see the pigs and any other animals that were there at the time. She loved the pigs. I remember it was very smelly and they would be squealing.
There would also be stalls with second hand bikes, farm stuff and pigeons for sale. There was an auction so it was really busy and noisy but a great atmosphere.
You can’t mention the cattle market without talking about the outdoor swimming pool. It was freezing cold all the time. The cubicles had a big gap at the top and bottom so you were always cold but you learned to dress fast. At least our town had a pool and we had a lot of fun there. I think the man that ran it was Mr King and I recall he had a daughter who helped him.
Dot Horsman